Marketing for more traffic, leads and subscribers. Attraction Control Monthly Review This is a series by Renee Wade who is the founder of The Feminine You can find it at You'll see, there's a scientific loophole in female psychology that triggers uncontrollable attraction. (I show you what the trigger is in the video. Today, I am going to share my review about the book 17 Attraction. 17 Attraction Triggers by David Shen. Feel free to share your ideas, comments. Trigger sexual attraction in any woman For men - 2 - Index Women respond to power!3 What women pick up from you4. I understand that 'Bad Boy Formula' is a complete, step-by-step system for how to trigger instant sexual attraction in any woman – and awaken her 'bad.
Hi I’m Frankie Cola, and you’re about to learn secrets that most men will NEVER know about women and dating.
You see, a few years ago, I reached a point in my life where I became FED UP with the fact that I didn’t know how to approach, meet, and get dates with the women that I was attracted to.
I usually would meet a girl who I really liked, who also seemed into me… but then I would RUIN IT by doing something stupid like being too clingy, never making a move, or (worse of all)… REVEALING my feelings to her.
When my level of DESPERATION hit an all time high, that’s when I decided to make a decision, right then and there, to learn this stuff for myself.
Well, after several years of hard work, trying all sorts of crazy things, and reading a number of “eBooks” …I learned a few things that consistently work – over and over again.
I learned how to interact with a woman so that she responds to me in a different way.
I learned exactly how to TRIGGER ATTRACTION in a woman.
I learned how to make a woman feel an attraction that they LITERALLY can’t control.
And that’s exactly what I’m going to teach you to do, if you read the articles I’ve written all around this site… and in my email newsletter.
The Girl You Are Thinking About, Right Now
Let’s face it… you probably have a girl, right now, that you just can’t get out of your mind.
You love the moments you two share that make you feel like she’s starting to like you… and you get EXCITED when she responds as if she is into you…
You feel like you’re on top of the WORLD.
But other times she only responds to you as a friend, or even doesn’t respond to your texts at all…
All this does… is give you a big roller coaster of emotions… and you just can’t take your mind off her.
If you’re like me, then you want to learn the detailed science, of how attraction REALLY works… and the specific things you can do to trigger attraction in any girl… and avoid the pain and frustration of rejection and not “getting” how it really works.
In the articles of this site, you’re going to learn exactly how to do that.
If you don’t learn how to make attraction “happen”, chances are you will continue falling into the same BAD HABITS that might “feel right” in the moment… but that only lead to the FRIEND ZONE.
So Here’s How to Get Started (Your FIRST Step)
Click HERE to learn what is called the “friend zone test.”
The truth is, a girl will rarely let you know that she likes you…
…and it makes you feel confused when you’re unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty.
This leaves you in limbo on whether to make a “move” on her, and the uncertainty can leave you in deep suspense.
If you read her signals wrong and make a move on her too soon, you risk rejection and embarrassment.
Or WORSE – you hesitate, chicken out, and BLOW your chance with a girl who wanted to kiss you.
Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you’re in the friend zone, or if she’s waiting for you to kiss her.
QUESTION: 'Carlos, how easy is 'The Bad Boy Formula' to use?'
If you can watch a video and follow some simple directions, you can do this.
Basically if you've logged into Facebook, you're over-qualified for this.
Yes, it's that easy.
I'm going to be there in every video explaining The Bad Boy Formula, and walk you through the whole program from start to finish.
I'll give you mind-maps to show you how it all fits together. I'm giving you a full reference manual so you don't even have to take any notes while you're watching and listening to the program.
You'll even get the complete program in digital audio that you can burn to CD or play on your iPod/iPhone or other MP3 player. You'll get bonuses that walk you completely through this subject from start to finish.
QUESTION: 'How long will it take?'
You'll be able to start using the system immediately to improve your game.
The Bad Boy Formula is a comprehensive course, about as long as a full-day seminar. (You could blast through it in a day, but I wouldn't recommend it – you'd probably have to call in sick to work… It's best to take your time and just sit back and watch as I explain all the concepts on the videos.
17 Attraction Triggers Pdf
The best part of The Bad Boy Formula is that you'll be able to let this material go to work for you RIGHT AWAY. We'll cover every trick and technique of the bad boy, as well as show you how to unleash your inner Bad Boy.
(At the very least, you'll be able to spot these guys in advance, and beat them at their own game by being able to bust them on their techniques...!)
QUESTION: How does it work, exactly? How can I know it will work for ME?
In this program, you're going to get a set of powerful videos (as well as many other tools) that completely break down the tactics, techniques, and strategies of the Bad Boy. I'll download the whole thing right into your brain.
Look, most guys will never be a 'pickup artist' (and most don't want to) because they know on some level that it's just not realistic for them. They're deep-down 'nice guys' who just want to shed a little bit of that 'goody-goody' side of them and tap into the part of them that they know they need to unleash.
17 Attraction Triggers By Renee Wade
This isn't about changing who you are, or being a manipulative slimeball.
This is a real, usable method that YOU can use to get women - and get LAID. As you probably know by now, I never teach anything that is disrespectful or hurtful to women in any way.
17 Attraction Triggers