Galaxy tools eX0du5’s Galaxy Map Tool. Ogame statistics Game Stats – search for any member in a universe ostat – Ogame player stats Server status – status of the servers. Report handling Ogame Winner – espionage report sharing ORP for Redesign Universes – Ogame report processor (downloadable PC version – offline). OgameAnalizer is also integrated with Galaxy Tool and The author, Jeff, plans on making the bot to work with OgameClient only. Currently, the client can only view galaxy, events, fleet, and autospy. Although this bot is not completely translated to english, it can be on request.
I won't write much about AutoIt since it's pretty much self explanatory.Galaxy Toolbar Ogame
Ogame Galaxy Tool
AutoIt can:
- Provide a general-purpose scripting language for all Windows versions
- Simulate keystrokes (supports most keyboard layouts)
- Simulate mouse movements and clicks
- Move, resize and manipulate windows
- Interact directly with 'controls' on a window (set/get text from edit controls, check boxes and radio buttons, select items in drop-down lists, etc.)
- Create complex user interfaces (GUIs)
- Work with the clipboard to cut/paste text items
- Provide a scriptable RunAs function for Windows 2000/XP/2003
It comes with an excellent documentation in russian, german, spanish, italian, and of course english. And if you get stuck you can easily get help on the forum.