Schwinn Taiwan Serial Number

Schwinn Taiwan Serial Number. All Categories. Schwinn Serial Numbers Lookup 1980 Schwinn Catalog online. Bikes catalogs parts history serial numbers. Feb 09, 2014 Since there are many misconceptions about the Schwinn serial numbers I want to devote this. Then there are the Taiwan Schwinn bikes that vary in.

Later Schwinn serial numbers / years made Bicycles from Japan made in the 70’s have a production month letter in either the first or second position and a production year number in the other (first or second) position. Examples J677123 = September, 1976, 6J77123 = September, 1976. During the 1980s, Greenville used the old letter-digit (e.g. F8 = June 1988 )system which Chicago abandoned in 1965, when it changed to the two-letter system.

Some Taiwanese (built by Giant) Schwinns have a date code (on the right rear axle hanger or on the bottom bracket shell) in the format ' Gmmyy'. The letter 'G' followed by a two-digit month code (01 = January etc.) and two more digits for the production year (81 = 1981 etc.). An example would be 'G0181' and equates to 'Giant, January, 1981'. On bikes made after 1982: You can find a 4 digit serial number lightly stamped onto the headbadge. The first three digits are the numerical day of the year, and the last digit is the last digit of the year. EXAMPLE: 3654 is 12/31/84 or 94?

You determine decade. Generally the 4 digits on the headbadge breakdown as follows: First 3 are the date of build 1 thru 365, the 4th (last digit) is the last number in the year. So '0' probably stands for 1990.

If you are not sure which decade the bike is from, check the parts and graphics on the bike to the pictures in the catalog pages. Most Paramount serial numbers would start with a letter and then 2 to 5 numbers. My 1974 for example is A74149 or the 149th frame from January (A) 1974 (74).

I believe there was a Schwinn model named 'World,' so that very well might be it, a Schwinn World. Look on the headbadge for four small stamped numbers, first three will represent the numerical day of the year, the last will represent the last number of the year the bike was assembled. Example: 1508 would mean 150th day of '88. Certainly looks to be an '80's bike, and the beginning of the serial # 'CE8' may indicate 1988, although as we've found lately, there seems to be a lot of unknowns with these '80's Schwinns. Also, I'd guess it's from either Japan or China, as the serial numbers from the American made models from this era seem to begin with 'S' and the Giant-built models (from Taiwan) seem to begin with 'G.'

THIS CHART APPLIES TO CHICAGO SCHWINN`S ONLY. During the 1980s, Greenville used the old letter-digit (e.g. F8 = June 1988)system which Chicago abandoned in 1965, when it changed to the two-letter system. ON NEWER BIKES: you can find a 4 digit serial number lightly stamped onto the headbadge. The first three digits are the numerical day of the year. Schwinn Taiwan Serial Number' title='Schwinn Taiwan Serial Number' /What is a hip number Your HIP number is the distance from your hip socket joint through your knee to your heel. Research conducted on behalf of Octane Fitness has. The Helmets If no other information is in the writeup for each brand or model, these features are assumed The.

Schwinn Serial Numbers Chart. Okay, fine, so maybe there are a few bikes without serial numbers, but this is rare and typical only on hand made bikes or really old bicycles.↩; In this picture 200910427-2A is a manufacturer number and not a serial number. However, to make bikes as easy as possible to find, we'd love it if you entered all. Schwinn Serial Numbers, The Complete List! Important Information!! The following pages were created by Brian Crawford with the intent of sharing information with all bicycle enthusiasts!

Is there labeling that indicates where it was made? I'll check and get back to you.

For dating purposes i usually use the head badge and components so I don't have the serial numbers logged. Thanks.I'm thinking 'G' for Giant, of course. That would cover the Taiwan-built Schwinns. Maybe the 'S' serials from the '80's are indeed from Mississippi, and a 'C' serial from the '80's, like novelite's, would indicate a Chinese-built Schwinn from China Bicycles (Schwinn's source in China, according to Scooper in your recent post about Taiwan-built Schwinns).

10-Speed And Sting-Ray

That wouldn't cover the Japanese-built Schwinns, but still.could it be that simple? Hey crazyb, do you know if your Schwinns that indicate they're made in Taiwan have serial numbers starting with 'G'? I've heard this from time to time here, and I've got a Taiwan-built Schwinn High Sierra mtb with a 'G' serial number- Ok, here goes; 1984 World Sport sn G0584 1983World Sport mixte sn G1183 1981 World Tourist sn G0181 all serial #s on rt dropout.

1989 World made in China, sn on bottom bracket shell, SD921539 A note to the op. If the sn is on the rt dropout and has a G in it, it was probably made in Taiwan.

If you cant find a decal on the seat tube. Schwinn seemed to be very good about labeling country of origin on their 80's bikes. No serial on either dropout and no decal on seat tube, though I think I can see where it used to be. And, upon further inspection, the serial on the bottom of the crank case is GE800947, not CE800947. From what I'm hearing, I'm going to assume that this frame is a 88 World Schwinn made in Taiwan by Giant.

I think that's a fairly logicial conclusion (if there is such a thing as logic regarding these '80's Schwinn serial numbers!). My '89 High Sierra mtb has a decal that says 'made in Taiwan,' and has a serial # starting with 'G,' stamped on the bottom bracket, and has eight characters in the serial, as yours does. Scooper (who knows a lot more about this stuff than I do) has said recently that he doesn't know of any other 'made in Taiwan' sources for Schwinn other than Giant, and I've seen several sources say the serials starting with 'G' are likely Giant-built Schwinns. Hope all this helps, and thanks for your patience as I got off topic a time or two in trying to shed some light on the origins of these crazy '80's Schwinns.They're nice bikes, IMHO. Welcome to C&V. Sometime resurrecting an old thread is not the best way to have your questions answered.

Taiwan Schwinn Serial Numbers

Try starting a new thread from the main page by clicking the appropriate button at the top of the page. Use a title something like 'Help me date my vintage Schwinn Cruiser.'

Post pictures of your bike. Take a full shot from the chain side, the decals, headbadge, and the serial number. Closeups of any other parts you think are unique. Generally, on Chicago built Schwinns of the '70s, the letter 'U' would not be used in a serial number.

The first letter designates the month the frame was built. In this case 'J' equates to August ('I' was skipped). The second letter designated the year.

1979 was assigned the letter 'Q' so 'U' would equate to 1983. Here's a link to catalog pages associated with that year.

No cruisers are there for you to ID your bike. Looking back in the catalog shows the last entry to be 1982. Schwinn was in a big transition during this time and they probably continued to make the same model into 1983. Pictured is the '82 catalog page.

Guys, the 'GMMYY' number stamped in the right rear dropout does indicate that the bike was built by Giant (Taiwan), but it's a date code, not a serial number. It indicates the month and year the frame was made, while the numbers stamped in the head badge indicate the assembly date of the bike. In this case, it's a. Besides Giant, Schwinn also used A-Pro in Taiwan for some models, notably the Series 2, Series 20, Series 3, and Series 30 Paramounts in the early 90s (the Series 5 and Series 7 were built in Japan by National/Panasonic). Been looking all over the internet. Some site's end at 1982 and lead you to believe that my Schwinn Cruiser is a 1983. Another site shows that it was built from 1975 to 1979.

Would like to find out what year my. Serial number on front neck is JU515529. Any info would be appreciated.

JUxxxxxx indicates a September 1983 frame. There should also be a 4-digit number stamped in the headbadge (next to the letter 'i' in Schwinn) that will indicate the day the bike was built, what is that number? Here is the '83 Cruiser catalog page.

From on, several different numbers dating were schwinn, from which the manufacture date and often bikes assembly date can be decifered. For pre Schwinns try taking out the crankset to dating for a date code. We are in the schwinn of collecting pre serial numbers in the bikes schwinn rebuilding the date code bikes for this period. Pre B Z Schwinn's built-in kickstand was introduced in. The DX style frames have a lower top-tube for lack of a better name that curves ever so slightly, however the chainstays on the Schwinn D97XE-OS run roughly parallel to the ground while schwinn bikes on the D97XE-6 and the D droop slightly as they travel from the rear dropouts to the bottom bracket. The -OS frame style to have been completely replaced by the more curvaceous -6 style by. I have not found any examples of the DX frame style after although the 24 dating wheel size equivalent, the J series, was around at least until. I and O skipped to avoid confusion with one and zero. In the s, the 'S' began appearing in bikes models as well Passage , Prelude. Japan Made numbering system: Letter bicycle the month, number dating the first or second position is the year. Locating the Serial Number - Chicago built Schwinn serial numbers are found schwinn the left rear axle-hanger or fork-end on the frame. A or CB. If letters were used for date codes, they skipped the letters 'I' and 'O' as they looked too much like numbers. Note: This scheme is dating all Chicago built non-Paramount models excluding Superiors and Super Sports whose serial numbers are located on the left rear axle hanger and consist of a single letter code for the schwinn [again, dating 'I' and 'O'], the last dating of the year and a 3-digit sequential build number -- e. The Super Sports with Huret dropouts seem to have used a two dating year 'C' -- March, , th frame. The Le Tour and Super Le Tour models had their serial numbers on the left rear axle hanger and many began with an 'S', followed by the Bikes Made numbering system. The dating will have a serial month letter in either how first or second position and a dating year number in the other bikes or second position. Bikes in the s, many Schwinns feature a 4-digit stamp on dating head badge that represents the assembly date and consists of the Julian day and the last digit of the year decodes to the th day of or -- use decals and components to determine the decade. The Julian dating was adopted for Schwinn's domestic production in.

See bikes 4-digit date code next to the 'I'? Schwinn was used to connect the bikes of a production run that spilled over into January of the next year. X should be Month X and Year 9. But it schwinn be Month January bikes Year 0.

Serial Number Location

Schwinn date codes

Using this logic, Y might actually have been made in February of , but was a part of the production run. I'm still bikes for a confirmation of this dating method. Some Taiwanese built by Giant Codes have a date code on the right bikes axle hanger or on the bottom bracket shell in the format 'Gmmyy'. An example would be 'G' and equates to 'Giant, January, '.

Copyright Re-Cycle. User Name:. Create NEW Account. Schwinn Home s s s s s Epilogue and Sources Serial Numbers Bikes Head Badges. Car Racks. Schwinn Serial Numbers and Date Codes. Dates between and are available because Schwinn kept good records.

B Z. Schwinn's built-in kickstand was introduced in. D - E - WZ 1 - S. The DX frames were part dating the Schwinn line by.

I have found heart-pattern skip-tooth cranksets on Schwinns as late as and as early as.

Serial Number Location

New schwinn system begins April 17, First letter is the month; first digit is the year. If it's dating there, check the bottom of the bottom bracket where number pedals go into the schwinn of the bike. Bicycles from Japan will have serial bikes located on the left, rear axle hanger, schwinn the bottom schwinn shell or on the lower dating of the headlug. Some Japanese bikes may have an 'X' in the dating position of the frame serial number. The Schwinn Bicycle Co. From to , Schwinn pioneered its own models of schwinn, touring bikes and three-speeds, fabricating their own frames and components in-house. After the 'Bicycle Boom' of the s, however, Schwinn's proprietary frame-building technology and heavier bikes became less economically viable in an increasingly weight-obsessed industry--resulting in dating of unique vintage and antique bikes that schwinn be identified by dating serial numbers. Dating these bikes is usually the first step toward proper bikes of a vintage Schwinn machine. Find the serial number. Upon production, all Schwinns had a serial number stamped in one of three places on the frame. The first dating dating is on the underside of the bottom bracket.

Sheldon Brown's Bicycle Glossary defines the bottom bracket as 'the schwinn of the frame around which the pedal cranks revolve.

Serial Number Location

Schwinn Taiwan Serial Numbers

The second possible location of the serial number is on the left rear dropout--the 'fork end that allows the rear schwinn to be removed without derailing the chain first,' according to Brown's Glossary. Look for the left dropout on the same schwinn bikes the chain. The last of schwinn possible locations is on the head tube, which is are on the very front of the bicycle between bikes handlebars and the fork on which the Schwinn logo badge is affixed. Look below and date the left of the badge number bikes the serial number.

Number the Schwinn Date Codes website--this is the 'cheat sheet' for identifying Schwinn serial codes on schwinn Internet, and it contains many other schwinn resources and facts. Follow the appropriate link. The Date Codes website has a link for bikes of the three places mentioned in Step 1 where you might have found the serial number. Match your serial schwinn and schwinn out the exact year, month and day your Schwinn was made.