Lesser Key Of Solomon


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If, then, I say, with Solomon: “The Spirit Cimieries teaches logic,” what I mean is: “Those portions of my brain which subserve the logical faculty way be stimulated and developed by following out the processes called ‘The Invocation of Cimieries.’ “ And this is a purely materialistic rational statement; it is independent of any. The Lesser Key of Solomon, Goetia: The Book of Evil Spirits Contains Two Hundred Diagrams. The Lesser Key of Solomon, also known as Clavicula Salomonis Regis orLemegeton, is a Grimoire and important source on demonology. 1 Content 2 List of the Ars Goetia 2.1 Kings of Hell 2.2 Dukes of Hell 2.3 Princes of Hell 2.4 Marquises of Hell 2.5 Counts of Hell 2.6 Presidents of Hell 2.7 Knight. Joseph Peterson did an excellent job with The Lesser Key of Solomon. The illustrations in the book are very well drawn. This is without question the most accurate version of the Lemegeton. The manuscripts Peterson used are far more reliable than others that have been used previously.

The first section of the anonymously written 17th-century grimoire The Lesser Key of Solomon. It describes a group of 69-72 demons (depending on which edition you're working with) who were variously bound by Ham and Solomon to perform works on God's behalf, and now you, the lucky conjuror, can do the same. The Ars Goetia (or rather, the demons described) is/are frequently used in fiction. The grimoire itself is sometimes known as the Lemegeton and is a Stock Shout-Out for a Tome of Eldritch Lore. For some reason, the later portions of the Lesser Key, like the Ars Theurgia Goetia (conjuring neutral spirits of the winds) and Ars Paulina (conjuring lesser angels of the zodiac and the hours of the day), get much less screen time in general.

The book can be found translated here. For quick reference, here's the seventy-two demons as listed in the Lesser Key:

The Usual Suspects
Note: Due to the nature of having several different translations over the centuries, expect to see alternative spellings a lotKey.
  1. Bael/Baell
  2. Agares/Agreas
  3. Vassago
  4. Samigina/Gamigin/Gamigm
  5. Marbas/Barbas
  6. Valefor/Valefar/Malephar/Malaphar
  7. Amon/Aamon
  8. Barbatos
  9. Paimon/Paymon
  10. Buer
  11. Gusion/Gusoin/Gusoyn
  12. Sitri/Bitru
  13. Beleth/Bileth/Bilet
  14. Leraie/Leraje/Loray/Oray/Leraikha
  15. Eligos/Abigor/Eligor
  16. Zepar
  17. Botis/Otis
  18. Bathin/Bathym/Mathim/Marthim
  19. Sallos/Zaebos/Saleos
  20. Purson/Pursan/Curson
  21. Marax/Morax/Foraii
  22. Ipos/Ipes/Ayperos/Ayporos
  23. Aim/Haborym/Aym/Haborim
  24. Naberius/Cerbere/Cerberus/Naberus/Nebiros
  25. Glasya-Labolas/Caacrinolaas/Caassimolar/Glassia-labolas
  26. Bune/Bim/Bime
  27. Ronove/Ronwe
  28. Berith/Beal/Bolfri/Beall/Berithi/Bolfry/Beale/Bofry
  29. Astaroth/Astarot/Ashtaroth
  30. Forneus
  31. Foras/Forcas
  32. Asmoday/Asmodeus/Asmodai/Asmodee/Chammadai/Sydonai/Sidonay
  33. Gaap/Tap
  34. Furfur
  35. Marchosias/Marchocias
  36. Stolas/Stolos
  37. Phenex/Phoenix/Pheynix
  38. Halphas/Malthous/Malthas/Malthus
  39. Malphas
  40. Raum/Raim
  41. Focalor/Forcalor/Furcalor
  42. Vepar/Separ/Vephar
  43. Sabnock/Sabnacke/Salmac/Savnok
  44. Shax/Scox/Chax/Shaz/Shass/Shan
  45. Vine/Vinea
  46. Bifrons/Bifrous/Bifrovs
  47. Vual/Wall/Vuall/Uvall/Voval
  48. Haagenti
  49. Crocell/Procell/Crokel
  50. Furcas/Forcas/Forras
  51. Balam/Balan/Balaam
  52. Alloces/Alocer/Allocer/Alocas
  53. Camio/Caym/Caim
  54. Murmur/Murmus/Murmux
  55. Orobas/Orobos
  56. Gremory/Gomory/Gamori
  57. Ose/Oze/Oso/Voso
  58. Amy/Avnas
  59. Orias/Oriax
  60. Vapula/Naphula
  61. Zagan
  62. Valac/Volac/Valak/Valu/Valax/Ualac
  63. Andras
  64. Haures/Flavros/Flauros/Hauras/Havres
  65. Andrealphus
  66. Cimeies/Cimeries/Cimejes/Kimaris
  67. Amdusias/Amduscias/Amdukias
  68. Belial/Beliall
  69. Decarabia/Carabia
  70. Seere/Sear/Seir
  71. Dantalion
  72. Andromalius

On a side note, the earlier Pseudomonarchia Daemonum by Johann Wier in 1583, which basically started all this, lists only 69 demons. Vassago, Seere, Dantalion, and Andromalius are not listed, and another demon, Pruflas, is listed. Pruflas doesn't seem to appear anywhere else; given his description, he may have been conflated with the extremely similar Andras.

NOTE: Given how often they pop up outside of the lists, especially in sources that predate the lists, it probably isn't a good idea to list anything involving Belial, Asmodeus (also known as Asmoday), Bael, Astaroth, or Berith (as in Baal-Berith), unless there's a definite link in the example to the Ars Goetia, or at least to the other demons from the lists.


Lesser Key Of Solomon Demons

Common Ars Goetia tropes
  • Aerith and Bob: Andrealphus, Oriax, Decarabia, Valefor, and...
    • Amy? At least until you realize that it should be pronounced with a short 'a' sound.
    • Andras is a lot less exotic if you are Hungarian: András is the local equivalent of Andrew.
  • A Form You Are Comfortable With: A lot of the stranger-looking Goetics will eventually adopt human shape.
  • Ascended Demon: Some of the demons have aspirations of redemption, specifically Marchosias, Amy, Focalor, and Phenex. Unfortunately, it seems they are 'deceived in that hope'....
    • They told Solomon that they hoped to return to the Seventh Throne (Heaven or God or both) in 1,000 or 1,200 years or so. It's been 3,000 years since Solomon was alive. So they hoped for returning to the Seventh Throne 2,000 or 1,800 years ago. A bit of Fridge Brilliance there for our Christian viewers.
  • Baleful Polymorph: Pray that a conjuror doesn't decide he's mad enough with you to send Ose after you. Not only do you get shapeshifted, you start thinking that you've always been the thing or being Ose just turned you into. Andrealphus, Oriax, and Marbas can do this, too, but they won't throw in the Fake Memories as well (and Andrealphus is limited to turning people into birds).
  • The Beastmaster: Volac will bring whatever serpents you desire to you. Although the text doesn't say anything about whether you can actually control them....
    • Decarabia can control birds, and get them to behave around the conjuror as they normally would (i.e. if neither conjuror nor demon were actually present).
  • Dark Is Not Evil: A few of the demons seem to be harmless, or even good-hearted. For example, Orobas is said to be an honest demon who never tells a lie. He also protects his conjuror from evil spirits; more specifically, he makes sure they can't tempt him. Sallos is said to have a generally peaceful nature, and specializes in setting up lovers (although, see Hypnotize the Princess below...). Andromalius specializes in preventing and punishing theft. Of course, you still have singularly nasty demons in there (Andras not only specializes in fomenting strife and discord, he's one of the few specifically stated to, if there's even a small flaw in his summoning confinement, kill the conjuror and all his associates...)
    • It's also worth noting that although we're... well... talking DEMONS here, the conjuror is actually instructed to call upon God and appeal to his authority (which is still binding on the demons, whether they like it or not) in order to get the particular demon to obey the call and evocation. In other words, the idea is that you're using unholy implements (demons) for (allegedly) acceptable-to-God means (although how anyone would call what some of these characters, like Sitri, Andras, and Beleth, do 'holy' is kind of difficult).
  • Deal with the Devil: Well, if the above point about using God to get these guys to obey one is anything to go by, one doesn't have the usual soul-price to put up with here, at least as long as the power isn't abused to malevolent and perdition-worthy ends (although as also mentioned, a few, like Leraje and Andras, will only perform malign deeds). One needs to be careful in any case, though; Andras will be trying to kill the conjuror and every one of his associates, Valefor will try to get his conjuror to commit and be caught for a capital crime, and Malphas has a bad habit of reneging on promises secured by a sacrifice on the part of the conjuror.
  • Demon Lords and Archdevils: Many of the demons claim to be kings, princes, or dukes of Hell. Possibly the Trope Codifier.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Agares can cause earthquakes.
  • Driven to Madness: Some grimoires suggest that Ose doesn't actuallytransfigure his victims, but merely warps their minds to the point that they genuinely think they're something else entirely. The others claim both.
  • Enfant Terrible: Volac. Volac himself looks like an angel-winged child. Fair enough. His steed? A two-headed dragon.
  • Evil Counterpart: Some occult traditions consider the Goetic demons, at least when they number 72 and not 69, to be this to the angels who bear the Shem ha-Mephorasch (the hidden name of God). There's even the claim that the Goetics' seals are actually some sort of reverse spelling of each associated angel's name.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy: While no demon at all should be taken lightly, Phenex, Malphas and Andras are especially nasty to would-be conjurors who screw up trying to bind them — and in the case of Andras, fatal. Valefor, meanwhile, is troublesome post-binding (see Treacherous Advisor).
  • Evil Sounds Deep: This may be the idea behind a fair number of the Goetics being described as having a hoarse voice.
  • Fake Memories: Besides Ose's gimmick, as described in Baleful Polymorph above, Dantalion can reveal a person's thoughts to a conjuror, then change those memories. It does not help that he's one of the bevy of Goetics skilled in impelling love....
  • Familiar: Many, many Goetics have the explicit ability to grant familiars to conjurors. This is also Valefor's sole recorded ability... perhaps because rather than giving you a familiar, he is the familiar.
  • Feathered Fiend: Quite literally, given that several demons have bird forms. We've got storks (Shax, Halphas), nighthawks (Stolas), crows (Malphas, Raum), cranes (Naberius), peacocks (Andrealphus), and thrushes (Camio). Oh, and the phoenix (Phenex).
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: Part of the basic instructions given is to make sure the demons don't appear in forms likely to induce this. If you have read the Book of Ezekiel (and keep in mind that the angels aren't hostile to him), you'll know why.
  • Have a Gay Old Time: To modern eyes, it can look rather strange that the conjuror is typically referred to as an 'exorcist'—a term usually associated with banishing demons. This works because 'exorcise' is derived from the Latin for 'compel to adhere to an oath'; 'conjure' comes from a similar term. That's how exorcising fiends out of someone was supposed to work—force the possessors to adhere to God's laws (like the one forbidding torment of humans) for once, Or Else. No real difference in mechanism when you were instead adjuring/conjuring/exorcising them to be your day laborer.
  • Hellish Horse: Samigina and Orobas both manifest as horses (even if Orobas, going by what he's willing to do for the conjuror, doesn't seem to be particularly hellish in the first place), and Amdusias as a unicorn.
  • Hijacked by Jesus: A few of the demons owe their demonhood to the medieval Christian conceit that gods other than the Hebrew one were merely demons masquerading as divine beings and trying to steal glory and honor that only God should have received. Bifrons (literally 'two faces') is another name for Janus, the Roman god of gates. Berith comes from Baal-Berith, patron of a city at odds with early Jersualem. Phenex is obviously a phoenix, which is usually considered a good creature in mythology. Amon is iffy—while he seems to be named for the Egyptian deity, that his name is occasionally spelled Ammon may connect him to the Ammonites, one of the Hebrews' perennial enemies. You can also find a few claims on the Internet that Oriax is the same as Osiris, and Purson the same as Horus, from Egyptian Mythology.
  • Hypnotize the Princess: A lot of the Goetic crew have the ability to incite love between men and women. One has to wonder if anybody trusted the conjurors to not try to use this trick to get themselves a desired bedmate with no strings attached... Sitri is especially explicit about this. Not only can he pull this stunt, he can make them disrobe and degrade themselves. Instant Wild Teen Party, of that sort... or porn... or blackmail material. Beleth's entry, meanwhile, is very explicit about the not-so-romantic side of this; 'This Great King Beleth causeth all the love that may be, both of Men and of Women, until the Master Exorcist hath had his desire fulfilled.'
    • If you really want to take this trope to the extreme, just turn to Zepar; some sources claim he can turn men into gay pedophiles. No, really. Naturally, he also can do the whole 'make men and women fall in love' trick.
      • Some sources have him not only impelling love between men and women, but also rendering women barren. Not necessarily the same women. Patron demon of eugenics?
    • Gremory, meanwhile, will even procure the love of old women. And while Furfur can do this, he sticks to restoring love in marriage.
  • Invisibility: Bael, Glasya-Labolas, Balam, Forneus and Foras have the ability to grant this. For some reason, this typically comes bundled with eloquence and sharp-mindedness.
  • Making a Splash: Focalor's specialty is to rip up warships with his control over the seas and winds, although he'll take care not to kill any specific creature the conjuror forbids him to. Vepar and Crocell also have abilities related to water—Vepar guides the warships (fear the conjuror who's commanding both her and Focalor), and Crocell can sniff out water sources.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: Several Goetics appeared as animals with traits belonging to some other beast. Zagan and Haagenti were bulls with eagle wi... fine, gryphon wings... Valefor a lion with a donkey's head, Marchosias a gryphon-winged, snake-tailed she-wolf, etc. Ipos may get the prize for oddest-looking Goetic in this respect: angel with lion's head, goose's feet, and hare's tail. The Dictionnaire Infernal supplies an even odder possible form: lion with goose's head and feet and hare's tail.
  • Multiple Head Case: Some of the demons (e.g. Bune, Aim, Asmoday, in some lists Bael) have three heads, one human and two animal, presumably an implication of their perversion of angelhood by containing an equally chimeric trinity.
    • Or maybe just an implication that they were of Cherub rank when they were Angels, since Cherubs also have multiple heads/faces - 3 animal heads, and one human head.
    • And then there's Naberius, aka Cerberus.
  • No Indoor Voice: Paimon is said to 'speak in a booming voice' when first summoned, until the conjuror compels him. Alloces isn't an improvement; his voice is 'hoarse and very big' (well, he does have a lion's head...), and unlike Paimon, the conjuror can't undo this.
  • No Pronunciation Guide: Keep in mind that, since the original sources partook variously of Latin and German texts, instances of 'V' represent the 'W' sound (hence some of the alternate spellings for Volac and Uvall). Not something obvious to modern-day viewers who don't have a European linguistics background.
  • Odd Name Out: Furcas is the only demon with the rank of 'Knight'.
  • Our Monsters Are Weird: Given that many Goetian demons are Mix-and-Match Critters, expect to see some weird ones.
  • The Pig-Pen: Ipos is noted to be, despite having an angel's body, extremely dark with filth.
  • Plaguemaster: Leraje: Guarantees that any of your archers' arrows that don't kill the targets outright will turn the wounds putrescent. Vepar and Sabnock: Arrange for enemies' wounds to become maggot-ridden. Marbas: General bringer of disease. This is pretty scary in conjunction with his Baleful Polymorph ability; what happens if the conjuror instructs him to transfigure the pathogen?
    • On the other hand, this could be quite a con. Step 1: Have Marbas cause disease. Step 2: Sell snake oil for curing the disease. Step 3: Have Marbas turn the disease into a different one with a delayed incubation (thus 'removing' the first one). Step 4: Return to Step 2.
  • Playing with Fire: Haures can use fire to kill his conjuror's foes, while Furcas will teach the conjuror how to use fire to discern the future, and Aim favors just setting whole cities and castles on fire. Amy doesn't grant anything particularly related to fire, but manifests as a great mass of flame.
  • Rank Inflation: Several of the demons are given multiple ranks. Not across several grimoires, but in the same grimoire. To wit: President & Count/Earl Botis (17), President & Count/Earl Marax (21), Prince/Prelate & Count/Earl Ipos (22), President & Count/Earl Glasya-Labolas (25), Marquis and Count/Earl Ronove (27), President & Prince/Prelate Gaap (33), King & Count/Earl Vine (45), Duke & Count/Earl Murmur (54), and King & President Zagan (61). And while he's 'just' a marquis in the Lesser Key, the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum describes Decarabia as instead being both King & Earl. Basically, ranks are: King (Gold), Marquis (Silver), President (Mercury), Duke (Copper), Count/Earl (Iron* ), Prince/Prelate (Tin), and Knight (Lead). Or could be listed as: King (Sunday), Marquis (Monday), Count/Earl (Tuesday), President (Wednesday), Prince/Prelate (Thursday), Duke (Friday), and Knight (Saturday). Real Life rankings of nobility would go King, Duke, Prince/Prelate, Marquis, Count/Earl, and Knight (not sure where President goes).
    • 'President', in this case, would refer to one who presides over a college or convocation. Also, at the time, 'prince' just meant someone who ruled over something, like the princes of Italian petty city-states. In addition, marquises had a pretty unique duty from dukes; the term comes from 'march', used for a province bordering another country, which didn't always describe duchies, and never described counties. In other words, marquises were specially tasked to be the first line of defense against invaders. In this context, Goetic marquises might 'protect' deceived/corrupted souls from 'invading' divine redemption.
  • Reptiles Are Abhorrent: A pretty fair number of these guys are associated with snakes (no surprise, given one of the usual alleged guises of Satan) in some fashion, whether holding snakes, riding snakes, having a snake tail, or in Botis's case, being a snake. In addition, Agares, Vassago,and Sallos all ride crocodiles, and Volac and Astaroth ride dragons. And finally, except for his heads, Bune is a dragon.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Part of the binding procedure that Solomon used was trapping the demons inside an elaborate vessel of brass, which he could pull them out of at will to perform this or that deed. Once he'd gotten all the work he needed out of them, he cast the full vessel into a great lake in the Babylonian Empire, expecting them to stay stuck until the end of time. Too bad the Babylonians who later found it mistook it for an ordinary treasure cache and opened it, getting nothing for their troubles except Belial impersonating one of their gods....
  • Seven Deadly Sins: Amon has been associated with Wrath, and Asmoday with Lust.
  • Shock and Awe: Furfur.
  • The Smurfette Principle: Marchosias (a she-wolf, at least according to the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum and Dictionnaire Infernal), Vepar (a mermaid) and Gremory (a woman riding a camel) are the only female demons. Though given that they are fallen angels and a good chunk are shapeshifters, male/female may be a formality rather than an indication of (normally) possessing any genitalia. It doesn't help that, even with Gremory, the most obviously female of the lot, the texts always use male pronouns.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: Barbatos and Camio can make you do this.
  • Spell My Name with an 'S': Because of the way copying was done for the earliest manuscripts describing the demons, spellings can vary quite a bit from list to list. Ose, for example, can also be called Oso or Voso. Leraje can also be Leraie or Loray. Gremory can be Gomory. Glasya-Labolas gets the prize for dissimilar names, though; he's also called Caacrinolaas and Caassimolar. There's also Flauros/Flavros/Haures/Harves/Hauras, whos alternate names may be due more to bad handwriting than anything else (the letters 'Fl' do look somewhat similar to the capital H.)
  • Starfish Language: Apparently, Camio uses burning coals to communicate. The text doesn't give specifics. Somewhat appropriately, he has the power to let conjurors understand the speech of animals... and the speech of ocean waves....
  • Teleportation: One of Bathin's power is to instantly transport people from one country to another.
  • Treacherous Advisor: While Valefor does make for a good Familiar, you should probably not listen to his temptations to become a robber- he's basically trying to get you to commit Demon AssistedSuicide By State.
See this subpage for a list of references to Goetian demons in other works. And if you're looking for the fanfiction of the same name, you can find it here.


Goetia or Goëtia (Medieval Latin; anglicised as goety /ˈɡoʊ.ᵻti/) is a practice that includes the conjuration of demons, specifically the ones summoned by the Biblical figure, King Solomon. The use of the term in English largely derives from the 17th-century grimoire The Lesser Key of Solomon, which features an Ars Goetia as its first section. It contains descriptions of the evocation, or 'calling out', of seventy-two demons, famously edited by Aleister Crowley in 1904 as The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King. Goetic Theurgy, another practice described in the Lesser Key of Solomon, is similar to the book's description of Goetia, but is used to invoke aerial spirits.[1]

Lesser Key of Solomon

The Lesser Key of Solomon, also known as Clavicula Salomonis Regis[note 1] or Lemegeton, is an anonymous grimoire (or spell book) on demonology. It was compiled in the mid-17th century, mostly from materials a couple of centuries older.It is divided into five books—the Ars Goetia, Ars Theurgia-Goetia, Ars Paulina, Ars Almadel, and Ars Notoria.

The most obvious source for the Ars Goetia is Johann Weyer's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum in his De praestigiis daemonum. Weyer does not cite, and is unaware of, any other books in the Lemegeton, indicating that the Lemegeton was derived from his work, not the other way around. The order of the spirits was changed between the two, four additional spirits were added to the later work, and one spirit (Pruflas) was omitted. The omission of Pruflas, a mistake that also occurs in an edition of Pseudomonarchia Daemonum cited in Reginald Scot's The Discoverie of Witchcraft, indicates that the Ars Goetia could not have been compiled before 1570. Indeed, it appears that the Ars Goetia is more dependent upon Scot's translation of Weyer than Weyer's work in itself. Additionally, some material was used from Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy, the Heptameron by pseudo-Pietro d'Abano, and the Magical Calendar.

Lesser Key Of Solomon

In a slightly later copy made by Thomas Rudd, this portion was labelled 'Liber Malorum Spirituum seu Goetia', and the seals and demons were paired with those of the 72 angels of the Shemhamphorasch, who were intended to protect the conjurer and control the demons he summoned. The angelic names and seals were derived from a manuscript by Blaise de Vigenère, whose papers were also used by Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers in his works for the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Rudd may have derived his copy of Liber Malorum Spirituum from a now-lost work by Johannes Trithemius, who taught Agrippa, who in turn taught Weyer.

Lesser Key Of Solomon Barnes And Noble

This portion of the work was later translated by S. L. MacGregor Mathers and published by Aleister Crowley under the title The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King. Crowley added some additional invocations previously unrelated to the original work, as well as essays describing the rituals as psychological exploration instead of demon summoning.[2]

Guardian Eviction

Demonic forces and their hierarchies are used to power up Black Magic Grids and are referenced here for support of Spiritual Deliverance and Gridworkers who may be encountering demonics, Fallen Angelics, and are required to call them out for eviction by name. I have had many encounters after 2012 where I am approached by demonics from the Ars Goetia, because of the Guardian Host clearing and re-encryption of tri-wave harmonics into the earth grids, as a result they require reading of rights, eviction and transit out of the earth, in some cases.

The Seventy-Two Demons

The demons' names (given below) are taken from the Ars Goetia, which differs in terms of number and ranking from the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum of Weyer. As a result of multiple translations, there are multiple spellings for some of the names, which are given in the articles concerning them.

  • King Bael
  • Duke Agares
  • Prince Vassago
  • Marquis Samigina
  • President Marbas
  • Duke Valefor
  • Marquis Amon
  • Duke Barbatos
  • King Paimon
  • President Buer
  • Duke Gusion
  • Prince Sitri
  • King Beleth
  • Marquis Leraje
  • Duke Eligos
  • Duke Zepar
  • Count/President Botis
  • Duke Bathin
  • Duke Sallos
  • King Purson
  • Count/President Marax
  • Count/Prince Ipos
  • Duke Aim
  • Marquis Naberius
  • Count/President Glasya-Labolas
  • Duke Buné
  • Marquis/Count Ronové
  • Duke Berith
  • Duke Astaroth
  • Marquis Forneus
  • President Foras
  • King Asmoday
  • Prince/President Gäap
  • Count Furfur
  • Marquis Marchosias
  • Prince Stolas
  • Marquis Phenex
  • Count Halphas
  • President Malphas
  • Count Räum
  • Duke Focalor
  • Duke Vepar
  • Marquis Sabnock
  • Marquis Shax
  • King/Count Viné
  • Count Bifrons
  • Duke Vual
  • President Haagenti
  • Duke Crocell
  • Knight Furcas
  • King Balam
  • Duke Alloces
  • President Caim
  • Duke/Count Murmur
  • Prince Orobas
  • Duke Gremory
  • President Ose
  • President Amy
  • Marquis Orias
  • Duke Vapula
  • King/President Zagan
  • President Valac
  • Marquis Andras
  • Duke Flauros
  • Marquis Andrealphus
  • Marquis Kimaris
  • Duke Amdusias
  • King Belial
  • Marquis Decarabia
  • Prince Seere
  • Duke Dantalion
  • Count Andromalius

Inorganic Four or Demonic Cardinal Directions

The demons are described as being commanded by four kings of the cardinal directions: Amaymon (East), Corson (West), Ziminiar (North), and Gaap (South). A footnote in one variant edition instead lists them as Oriens or Uriens, Paymon or Paymonia, Ariton or Egyn, and Amaymon or Amaimon, alternatively known as Samael, Azazael, Azael, and Mahazael (purportedly their preferred rabbinic names).

Agrippa's Occult Philosophy lists the kings of the cardinal directions as Urieus (East), Amaymon (South), Paymon (West), and Egin (North); again providing the alternate names Samuel (i.e. Samael), Azazel, Azael, and Mahazuel. The Magical Calendar lists them as Bael, Moymon, Poymon, and Egin, though Peterson notes that some variant editions instead list 'Asmodel in the East, Amaymon in the South, Paymon in the West, and Aegym in the North'; 'Oriens, Paymon, Egyn, and Amaymon'; or 'Amodeo [sic] (king of the East), Paymon (king of the West), Egion (king of the North), and Maimon.'


  1. Goetia
  2. Lesser Keys of Solomon

See Also

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