Pdflatex .exe The Memory Dump File Could Not Be Found

2013-09-02 13:30:16 UTC
I installed a new version of MiKteX and when try to use texworks I get this messate
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.3-1.40.12 (MiKTeX 2.9)
miktex-pdftex.exe: The memory dump file could not be found.
miktex-pdftex.exe: Data: pdftex.fmt
What should I do to get TeXworks to work again?
Thanks, andrea
----- configuration info -----
TeXworks version : 0.4.3r857 (MiKTeX 2.9)
Install location : C:/miktex/miktex/bin/miktex-texworks.exe
Library path : C:/Users/andrea.ichino/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/TeXworks/0.4
pdfTeX location : C:/miktex/miktex/bin/pdftex.exe
Operating system : Windows Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Qt4 version : 4.7.2 (build) / 4.7.2 (runtime)
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Sep 25th, 2017

Pdflatex .exe The Memory Dump File Could Not Be Found File

Pdflatex .exe The Memory Dump File Could Not Be Found

Pdflatex.exe: the memory dump file could not be found. I've already tried suggestions from other forums, like making sure there are no spaces in the path to MikTeX (i.e. Not putting it in Program Files), but they don't solve the problem. This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.3-1.40.12 (MiKTeX 2.9 64-bit) pdflatex: The memory dump file could not be found. Using Notepad, I then added the following two lines to the top of the IraAppliedStats.md file.title: IraAppliedStats.md output: pdfdocument.

  1. This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.5-1.40.14 (MiKTeX 2.9) pdflatex: The memory dump file could not be found. Pdflatex: Data: pdflatex.fmt Warning message: running command 'pandoc -s TextMining.html -o TextMining.pdf' had status 43 I can't seem to be able to resolve this issue.
  2. This list would show 6 options – None, Small memory dump(64 KB), Kernel memory dump, Complete memory dump, Automatic memory dump and Active memory dump. If you want to disable memory dump then select none from these options. Otherwise select your required option from the other three. After this click on OK and close the windows.
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  1. Process started: pdflatex.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode 'gov30_midterm_2017'.tex
  2. pdflatex.exe: The memory dump file could not be found. pdflatex.exe: Data: pdflatex.fmt
  3. Process exited with error(s)
  4. documentclass[11pt]{exam}
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  18. firstpageheader{sc Gov 30}{sc Midterm Exam}{sc October 4, 2017}
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  27. begin{center}
  28. section*{Instructions}
  29. You have 55 minutes to complete this exam. The exam will start at 11:05 and end at 12:00. Please read each question carefully and write your answers neatly, using pen, not pencil. This exam is textbf{closed book}. You may not use any books, notes, electronic devices, or any other resources, or confer with any other person.
  30. The exam consists of two sections: term identifications and short essays. Read the instructions for each section carefully. Write your answers in two blue books. Use one blue book for all of the identifications, and one blue book for the essays. textbf{Make sure to write your name and section on both blue books.}
  31. vspace{3in}
  32. fbox{fbox{parbox{6.3in}{centeringparbox{6.2in}{
  33. textbf{Do not turn over this sheet until you are instructed to do so.}
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  35. fullwidth{Large textbf{Section I. Term Identifications (30 points)}}
  36. fbox{fbox{parbox{6.3in}{centeringparbox{6.2in}{
  37. In a short paragraph, identify and discuss the significance of the following five terms. Each identification is worth six points. textit{Be sure your definition connects to topics discussed in the course}. This section should take you approximately 25 minutes.
  38. }}}}
  39. begin{choices}
  40. choice Option
  41. choice Option
  42. end{choices}
  43. vspace{.5in}
  44. fullwidth{Large textbf{Section II. Short Essay (35 points each)}}
  45. vspace{.1in}
  46. Please read the prompts below and answer textbf{TWO OF THE THREE} following questions in two textbf{short} essays. Be sure to define any terms that you use and to connect your answer to topics discussed in the course. This section should take you approximately 30 minutes.
  47. }}}}
  48. Question 2.
  49. vfill
  50. fbox{fbox{parbox{6.3in}{centeringparbox{6.2in}{
  51. textbf{Write your name and section on the front of each blue book before turning in your exam.}vspace{.1in}
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  54. 'C:UsersChrisinitexmf --dump'

Pdflatex .exe The Memory Dump File Could Not Be Found